For Candidates

When you’re running for office, you will communicate with many, many people thorough many different media. The one constant is YOU. The manner in which you frame the issues, how you come across in an interview, the way you make a crowd feel when you’re giving a stump speech, these are the moments that will make or break your candidacy.

You probably already know how it feels when you get it right (nothing better) and how it feels when you lose the room or have words printed that really weren’t what you meant at all (frustrating).

We’ll work on your weak spots and pump up your strengths - trust you’ve already got plenty, or you wouldn’t be running for office! Like the real-world problems you’re aiming to solve, there’s not one right way to tackle these communication challenges. But there are tried and dependable ways to make sure every connection counts.

What do you need help with?

  • Issue framing

  • Stump speeches

  • Debate training and rehearsal

  • Asking donors for money

  • Print, TV & Radio interview training

  • Zoom aesthetics

  • Official candidate statement

  • Social Media content

  • Scriptwriting for TV and radio spots

  • Slate card & postcard content/framing


For Business